Council Meeting Highlights - December 6, 2023
Catch up with what happened at last weeks East Zorra-Tavistock Council Meeting with a quick read of the meeting highlights below.
During the Meeting
- Council hosted their first meeting in Council Chambers at the Township's new Administration Building at 89 Loveys Street, Hickson.
- Retiring crossing guards Mary Kropf, Cliff Sim, and Joe Coles were recognized for their long service to the Township.
- Council reviewed the correspondence from the Safe & Well Oxford Steering Committee, including recent Committee Minutes and other Committee updates.
- Council also reviewed the correspondence from the County of Oxford regarding improvements to the Punkeydoodles Corner Intersection.
- The Thames Valley District School Board trustee's Leeanne Hopkins and David Cripps presented to Council regarding TVDSB updates in Oxford County.
- Council reviewed the November 15, 2023 Police Service's Board meeting minutes.
- Staff presented report CBO2023-10 sharing the results from the 2023 Municipal Drains Inspection Program.
- Council reviewed the proposed 2024 User Fee Schedule updates. The schedule, as amended, will be part of a by-law to be passed at a future meeting of Council.
- A ten year agreement with the Tavistock Agricultural Society was passed under by-law 2023-36.
- Council spent the afternoon with Rob Adams of Town Hall Consulting for their first strategic planning workshop as part of the process in developing a Strategic Plan for the Township. It was a very interactive session with some excellent contributions from members of Council and staff.
Next Council Meeting
The next regularly scheduled East Zorra-Tavistock Council Meeting is set for Wednesday December 20 , 2023 at 7:00pm.
For More Information
For more details of any of these items, see the full meeting minutes or contact the Municipal Clerk.
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To receive email updates when new Agendas and Minutes have been posted, subscribe to the Council Calendar.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.