Council Meeting Highlights - September 6, 2023
Catch up with what happened at last weeks East Zorra-Tavistock Council Meeting with a quick read of the meeting highlights below.
During the Meeting
- Council expressed support for the new North Woodstock Public School.
- Council endorsed the resolution from Oxford County regarding opposition to the Strong Mayor, Building Homes Act 2022.
- Council reviewed correspondence from Safe & Well Oxford.
- Representatives from Oxford County Public Works presented a review of the 2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan with specific attention to upgrades planned in the Township. Staff reports were recieved. Highlights include:
- The new public works speed trailer has arrived.
- Welcome to EZT and historic hamlet signs have now been installed around the Township.
- The occupancy of the New Administration Building is scheduled for late November.
Planning Matters
- Sitting as the Committee of Adjustment and then in public meeting, Council approved the Application for Minor Variance #A-7-2023. 98 Jacob Street.
- Council deferred the Application for Minor Variance #A-6-2023. 182 Blandford Street to a future meeting of Council.
- Consent Applications B23-35-2 and B23-45-2 were received and forwarded to the Oxford County Land Division Committee without comment.
Next Council Meeting
The next regularly scheduled East Zorra-Tavistock Council Meeting is set for Wednesday Septemeber 20 , 2023 at 7:00pm.
For More Information
For more details of any of these items, see the full meeting minutes or contact the Municipal Clerk.
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To receive email updates when new Agendas and Minutes have been posted, subscribe to the Council Calendar.
Meeting highlights are prepared to give residents timely updates on council decisions. The Council Meeting Minutes are the official record of the meeting.